David Coyne
David Coyne was born in Dublin in 1979. He is a full time artist living and working in the West of Ireland. David attended the Dun Laoghaire Institute of Art & Design where he studied film and photography. He is a self-taught painter who works with oils as his chosen medium. All his work is conducted with the palette knife
“My paintings are about movement and colour. I try to capture interesting scenes from around the country and accentuate the story through the use of strong vibrant colours. I like to compliment my palette choice with a deliberate and fluid application with the knife in an attempt to capture the viewers eye. I will often experiment with colour in the canvas until arriving at a desired effect.”
“The majority of my work is completed in two or three sittings and invariably more time is spent considering the subject matter than completing the actual painting. I enjoy the effect that can be achieved by painting wet in wet and I’m never nervous by my colours bumping shoulders.”